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Remote Culture 3 min read
Written by Dallin Porter
Marketing Director @ Galactic Fed
Expert reviewed by Dallin Porter
Marketing Director @ Galactic Fed
Published 15 Apr 2020
Whatever your industry, country or career, COVID-19 has forced everyone around the globe to reevaluate and make adjustments of one kind or another. Navigating this new landscape can seem overwhelming, especially in business, but there are some companies that have already shown us the right way to pivot.
Alcohol to the rescue! (not that kind)
For a moment there it seemed like the hardest thing to find on shelves was hand sanitizer. Because of this, breweries and distilleries around the world have begun production of their own version, some for sale, and some for free. Established companies like Budweiser, Perry’s Gin, and Caledonia Spirits (and so many more) are using their resources and facilities to address a serious concern - the need for clean hands. They are including home-brewed hand sanitizer with purchases of their products, or giving away to hospitals free of charge. Not only does this pivot directly address a big issue, they are also helping those on the front lines - something that will for sure be remembered by consumers next time they want a drink.
Toilet paper to go
One of the hardest hit industries amongst the COVID crisis is the restaurant industry. With almost all being mandated to close, it was up to them to make adaptations that would allow them to stay afloat. Hundreds of restaurants and bars have begun offering delivery service (often with no delivery charge) to hungry customers. We’ve seen some offer grocery baskets and services (a creative use of the full pantries many restaurants have on hand), while others include a roll of toilet paper with a purchase. Customers can recognize when a business is making these changes to adapt to the situation, and that truly determines who struggles and who thrives.
Online and on top
An obvious side effect of everyone self isolating is that businesses that relied on face to face interaction are suffering. Those that relied on foot traffic and walk-ins are now having to make some serious pivots, seriously fast. Some companies stand out as the perfect example of the pivot - they’re taking these changes in stride, all while uncovering another layer to their business. Whether it’s a yoga studio providing online classes, brick and mortar shops transferring to ecommerce sites, or business conferences going digital, the ability to still provide a service through a different medium has really separated the “cans” from the “cannots.”
Have no fear, the Federation is here
At Galactic Fed, we understand the additional worry that comes from having to review, rewrite, and rewire during these unforeseen events. But we’ve also seen what happens when we work with our clients to pivot strategies that allow for a more virtual adaption of their brand or product, such as remote offerings, special discounts, and empathetic messaging.
We have worked quickly to help companies adapt, review their current strategies, and seek opportunities that are relevant to current events. Tone deaf companies that don’t acknowledge the COVID-19 situation and avoid pivoting will lose both trust and business; and this understanding allows us to guide clients to look at their brand through this new, adjusted lens. This can be viewed as a wonderful opportunity to be creative, make a positive impact, and be remembered as a brand who did it right.
Dallin Porter
Marketing Director @ Galactic Fed
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